Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Me... In a Nutshell

So, I am not much of a blog person for the most part.  I've never really done it before... but I kinda felt compelled to start.  I keep a journal, so there are definitely things I won't write in this, but I feel like I just need to get some stuff out. I think I am just going to write and not think.  No editing, just thoughts on a paper.  I haven't really told anyone about this either... so if you are here, it's because you actually want to know about my life and my heart.  So here it is.  Me, in a nutshell:

I'm 21 years old and I am a junior at IU.  I  hate school with a passion and want to drop out daily.  I see that I have a purpose here, but in my sinfulness... I have yet to let myself embrace it or really even understand what it is.  Jesus Christ is the man of my dreams and no guy can ever take the place of him, but someday I might find the man who is just as in love with Jesus as I am = )  I'm broke a broken spirt and I have the most amazing life I could have ever dreamed of.  I've been saved by the grace of God alone and I have been called according to His purpose.  I love my friends, my brothers and sisters, more that I could ever express in words.  I am so much like the apostle Peter it's crazy.  I am passionate about everything I do, including the stupid impulsive things (which happen often).  I try to be perfect and end up legalistic at times.  The more I learn, the more I realize how impossibly it is to ever be the woman that I want to be and it kills me.  I sometimes forget that all of these things make the Grace of God that much sweeter, but I'll spend the rest of my life trying to understand.  God breaks me everyday and I love him more for it everyday.  God is my life and everything in it revolves around better serving him.  

I was listening to a sermon yesterday by John Piper.  I can't remember the exact quote, but I will do my best.  He said, "Don't buy into the lie that you are so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good.  The only people who can really make a difference are the people who are so radically heavenly minded..."  he goes on to just discuss how important it is to constantly have our head in the clouds or in the heavens more so.  That's how you make a difference.  Don't be a half ass (sorry, couldn't think of a better term) Christian.  If you are in Christ, BE in Christ.  Live, breath and eat the love that Christ brings with his amazing sacrifice on the cross. How could anyone want anything less?  Don't be content with that life.  God isn't... We have forgotten what God has called us to be.  Men, Be bold.  Be strong.  Be courageous.  Be gentlemen and take care of each other.  Be men of your word.  Be fearless with the Gospel that saved you. Women, have a gentle and quite spirit.  Love unconditionally.  Be hospitable and take care of those around you.  But also, be bold, be strong and be courageous.

I think that is it for today, now you know a little about my thoughts.  I have a final tomorrow and I wrote this instead of studying... to let you know a little more about me. ; )


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